Sound and motion enable a much richer form of storytelling. As a communicator, I am well versed in multimedia software applications, including Adobe Premiere and Audition. I am able to leverage the multimedia assets I create on the web, social media and in electronic newsletters.
Parent Podcasts
During the remote phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, College of Education and Professional Studies faculty members provided virtual workshops for parents through a partnership with the local public schools foundation. Workshop participants completed follow-up surveys identifying areas of interest. In Fall 2021, we again teamed up with the foundation to offer a series of podcasts for parents. We based the subject matter on the post-workshop survey data, and I worked with a faculty member to refine topics and identify faculty who could speak to those topics. I also created all of the visual assets for the series, posted it on Apple Podcasts and crafted a media pitch.
Central Gulf Coast CDF Freedom Schools®
One of my goals for 2021 was to use my burgeoning video skills to create a video for a cause I cared about. That opportunity arose when I was connected with the Central Gulf Coast Freedom School in the summer of 2021. I filmed and edited this video using my iPhone, a ring light and Adobe Premiere.
I’ve continued to provide support for CGC Freedom School, assisting with its website, sponsorship materials and other tactics, including the informational one-pager below.
YouTube Channel
When I began working as the communications manager at the College of Education and Professional Studies in the fall of 2019, my first order of business was to create a YouTube channel to house existing video assets, in order to embed them on the website.
In May 2020, at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was tasked with creating a series of videos to showcase our 9 undergraduate programs: Army ROTC, Air Force ROTC, Sport Management, Instructional Design and Technology, Construction Management, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Social Work, Teacher Education and Legal Studies.
While the quality is far from perfect (I filmed these with my iPhone 6 and a cheap ring light!), I was happy that I could provide incoming freshmen with a sense of our academic programs during a summer orientation that was converted to a virtual event with only three weeks’ notice.