
When you design a product, you design a relationship. -Dieter Rams

When I’m unclear how to begin a project, I begin by asking questions. Stakeholder centricity is critical to the success of any product.

The Innovators Series Logo with UF College of Journalism and Communications logo beneath it

The Innovators

The Innovators speaker series was funded by a grant from the Knight Foundation and brought six media innovators to the Gainesville campus over the course of two years: 2014 - 2016.

Co-chairing The Innovators committee was one of the first major projects I undertook in my career. It was hugely exciting, rewarding and intimidating. From I learned two very important lessons that I still carry with me: Representation matters. Begin by asking questions.

Representation Matters

In 2013, when we began planning the series, I scoured every popular publication on digital innovation to compile a list of potential speakers. When I presented the first list, my co-chair said to me, “Kay, we don’t want this series to be The White Men.” I went back to the drawing board.

At that time, it wasn’t that women and people of color were not digital media trailblazers; it was that the vast majority of venture capital went to white men. We had to be more deliberate in our search because we wanted our students to see innovators who looked like them. That is how you change the status quo, and I continue to carry that lesson with me.

Begin by Asking Questions

Each speaker visited campus for roughly two days; it wasn’t simply one grand speech and they were done.

When we began to think about their itineraries, one committee member suggested we ask them what they wanted to get out of the visit. We conducted phone interviews with each speaker and asked questions like, “What topic or research area fascinates you the most?”; and “What is the biggest challenge in your job that you are facing right now?” These questions informed a richer agenda that benefitted both the visitor and our campus community.

I used The Innovators for my case study when I received my Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) in 2017.

View the complete Innovators case study (PDF).

Doctoral Student Resources Canvas Site

My current employer, a public university in the Southeast, offers a doctorate of education (Ed.D.) program that is fully online, with more than 200 students enrolled.

The program involves a 12-Step Dissertation Process, formation of a dissertation committee and structural rubrics and guidelines for the dissertation, with roughly 30 corresponding forms. Internal stakeholders include academic departments, the doctoral program office, the dissertation support and quality assurance unit, the Graduate School, academic advisors and the Ed.D. Policy Group, composed of academic administrators.

I was tasked with overhauling the resources platform for these students, housed on the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Below I outline the work I conducted in this year-long process.

My Process

  • Discovery

    I conducted semi-structured interviews with 10 current and recently graduated doctoral students to identify pain points in the doctoral journey. I distilled these insights into key themes and shared them with internal stakeholder groups to secure project buy-in.

  • Audit

    I audited the existing 12-Step Process and Canvas content. I solicited feedback from internal stakeholders to streamline and digitize the process when possible.

  • Content Creation

    I drafted a RFP and secured a professional video production company to create high-quality videos of people and resources relevant to the doctoral student journey. I handled all scheduling and drafted all video scripts.

  • Content Creation

    I also solicited and edited video content from current students and recent graduates that addressed particular challenges identified in the discovery phase.

  • Navigation

    Confusing navigation was another pain point identified in the interviews. I reorganized information to make navigation through the content more intuitive and flexible, depending on the user’s needs.

  • Ongoing Maintenance

    I continually iterate based on student feedback and monitor content to ensure it reflects the most up-to-date policies and information.


Website Content Strategy

